

2012 Spring Equinox Greeting: BEGINNING ANEW

It's spring when all things begin anew. If you were to begin again, how would you start? What would you do differently? Would you change your outer circumstances or would you pay attention to your inner landscape? Is there a younger self crying to be acknowledged and recognized in some way that didn't happen in [...]

2012 Spring Equinox Greeting: BEGINNING ANEW2013-12-12T13:31:54+00:00

2011 Winter Solstice Greeting: TALK ABOUT LOVE

> Let's talk about Love. Is there anything better than love? We are the heart, the hands, the mind and the soul of Love. WE ARE! The sooner we embrace that, know it, and live it, the sooner our lives fill with Love and Beauty... the sooner we fulfill our purpose - to love Ourselves [...]

2011 Winter Solstice Greeting: TALK ABOUT LOVE2019-02-20T18:32:21+00:00

A 2011 Autumn Equinox Greeting: MESSAGE FROM MOTHER EARTH

A 2011 Autumn Equinox Message from Mother Earth through Cie Simurro ~ Thunderbird Starwoman “Who has held you in Love from your first breath, when you sucked Air in to fill your lungs. How many times have you been quenched and soothed by Water, warmed by the golden Sun, pillowed by the Earth beneath you? [...]

A 2011 Autumn Equinox Greeting: MESSAGE FROM MOTHER EARTH2013-12-12T13:35:34+00:00

2011 Summer Solstice Greeting: U2 CONCERT & GRIEVING FOR PHOEBES

Deer Hearts, I flew out to California for a U2 concert (the 360 tour). My daughter had these amazing front seats, so it was a rare opportunity to see my favorite rock & roll band, as well as my daughter and grandson. Irish tax controversy aside, for those of you who, like me are lifelong [...]

2011 Summer Solstice Greeting: U2 CONCERT & GRIEVING FOR PHOEBES2013-12-12T13:34:17+00:00

2011 Spring Equinox Greeting: BEING SOVEREIGN

Deer Hearts, Greetings to you on this powerful Equinox. Grandmother Moon is extraordinarily luminous and resplendent this full moon. Let us greet her and thank her for her light and influence on us. As the Mother groans, shifts and shudders, planetary change becomes a constant. She must balance herself. As the last few messages I've [...]

2011 Spring Equinox Greeting: BEING SOVEREIGN2019-02-20T18:32:21+00:00

2010 Winter Solstice Greeting: from DIVINE MOTHER

Winter Solstice Message Solstice occurs at 6:38 p.m. EST December 21st 2010 Transmitted through Cie Simurro ~ Thunderbird Starwoman From Divine Mother What is your relationship with me? Do you love me from the depths of your heart and body, knowing that I sustain you and all life? Do you realize the way you love [...]

2010 Winter Solstice Greeting: from DIVINE MOTHER2013-12-12T13:38:26+00:00

2010 Fall Equinox Greeting: from GAIA

Fall Equinox 2010 Message From Mother Earth Gaia I call upon my Warriors of Light from all time to step forward now. If you have a passion for my impeccable and complex beauty; if you can appreciate the perfect order of my creations; the intertwining events and brilliant timing encasing and embracing all species; then [...]

2010 Fall Equinox Greeting: from GAIA2013-12-12T13:40:25+00:00

2010 Summer Solstice Greeting; DON’T GIVE UP

SOLSTICE MESSAGE FOR JUNE 2010 DON’T GIVE UP From Cie Simurro ~ Thunderbird Starwoman Deer Hearts, So, things are working pretty synchronistically this morning. I got the Solstice transmission – which started off in a way that was pretty surprising to me. Then I opened an email with a specific request from the 13 grandmothers [...]

2010 Summer Solstice Greeting; DON’T GIVE UP2013-12-12T13:39:18+00:00

2010 Spring Equinox Greeting: DO-OVER

Dear Ones, Recently, a good friend of mine had the courage to look back on his old, harsh boarding school days, and reclaim power lost then. Afterward, he gave himself all the compassion he hadn’t been able to, at the time. The last step was forgiveness of each thing and each one in the situation, [...]

2010 Spring Equinox Greeting: DO-OVER2013-12-12T13:41:16+00:00

2009 Winter Solstice Greeting: LIGHT-DARK-ACCEPTANCE

LIGHT DARKNESS & ACCEPTANCE It is dark even before 4:30 in the afternoon; dark at 4:30 in the morning. Many mornings the sun rises over the mountains just for a little while on snowy days or days wet with curtins of rain, phantoms of fog. The light is more precious then, against the converging grey [...]

2009 Winter Solstice Greeting: LIGHT-DARK-ACCEPTANCE2013-12-12T13:42:19+00:00